Tag Archives: mornings

I love my mornings!

I love waking up before anyone else and enjoying my cup of coffee on the weekends. Its so peaceful and relaxing.. just the perfect way to start a day.

We are heading over to Dan’s parents this afternoon they are leaving for Mexico today or tomorrow. Should be exciting for them. They go every year I think. Hopefully some day I’ll be able to be like that and just take off and leave for  a month somewhere warm. I would settle for a week now though ha ha…

Actually I’m not sure I could be away from my new laptop for more than a day.. I love it so much its exactly what I wanted and it has all my programs on it… its absolutely wonderful! And its all mine! Its like that piece of me I’ve been missing is back!

So I jumped on my wii fit this morning just to do the body test. I’m so proud of myself! In the past year, I have lost 20 lbs just by eating healthy going for walks and being happy. Sleeping at night and being up in the morning. I’m honestly so proud of myself! I feel better, I have more energy.. its just unbelievable!

Maybe someday soon I’ll be who I want to be and look like what I want to look like… 😀

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