Tag Archives: car

only 2 more days!

So yesterday morning Dan’s mom called and decided to switch her Christmas to tonight. Which kinda screws up my plans but ok.. so last night I had to clean, pack, make cookies, do laundry and clean up a bit more.. then Dan and I exchanged presents.. he got me a wii! I’m kinda excited about that and I’m thinking about getting maybe not the wii fit but something along those lines. And then just a whole bunch of little stuff that I had picked out at the craft sale we were at a month ago. When we plugged in the wii we thought we should play a couple games before we went to bed and Dan got maybe a bit to into it and hit Kato over the head with the remote, totally on accident of course.

And the cookies I made are by far my favorite cookies ever! I’ve seen them alot of foodgawker. I call them:

Chocolate Snowflake Crackles
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
2 tbsp oil
1 square bittersweet chocolate, melted
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp salt
confectioners sugar

In a mixing bowl combine sugar, egg, oil, vanilla and chocolate. Combine baking powder, salt and confectioners sugar in a seperate bowl and gradually add to the creamed mixture. Chill dough for 2 hours and then shape dough into small bite size balls and roll in confectioners sugar. Bake for 9 minutes at 350F.

And thats that… the best cookies ever. I tripled the recipe and made enough for my parents, Dan’s parents and the a small bag for me to enjoy here! YUM!

I also got my car back yesterday! AND I got a letter in the  mail.. apparently I have a package policy on my car that covered it! So I don’t have to pay the $700 deductable and I would have had the option to rent a vehicle and have it paid for! If I would have known that… lol.. I feel so stupid I honestly can’t remember adding that package to my car.. but I’ll go with it. I don’t feel so broke anymore haha!

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